• Assistant Professor of Theology
School of Arts & Sciences


I'm a Benedictine monk who has vowed stability to the community of Assumption Abbey in Richardton, ND. I'm grateful for the rhythm, order, and spiritual initiative built into monastic life. Biblical studies do not tire me (at least, within reason), and I enjoy spending time with people who take the Bible seriously and want to discuss it.

Why I’m At Mary

Benedictine monks in North Dakota are here to maintain a stable, civilized, monastic presence in the area. We also reach out 'on mission' to assist with diocesan and regional needs, one of which is the University of Mary. The monks of Assumption Abbey (and me personally) are happy to support this mission!


As noted, my area of interest and expertise is Biblical studies. I concentrate mainly on the relation between the 'Two Testaments'. I also have training in systematic theology and monastic studies. Currently, I'm pursuing a PhD (KU Leuven) in Historical Theology, concentrating on references to the mass in the 17th c. Hebrews commentaries of Cornelius a Lapide and Guilielmus Estius.

Benedict D. FISCHER, ‘The Impact of Erasmus on the 1614 Pauline Commentary of Cornelius A Lapide, S.J.’, in Wim François et al. (ed.) Authority Revisited: Towards Thomas More and Erasmus in 1516 (Lectio Series: Studies in the Transmission of Texts and Ideas, 10), Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2020, 371-411. 

Benedict D. FISCHER – Wim FRANÇOIS -- Antonio GERACE – Luke MURRAY, The ‘Golden Age’ of Catholic Biblical Scholarship (1550–1650) and its Relation to Biblical Humanism, in J. Marius J. Lange van Ravenswaay – Herman J. Selderhuis (eds.), Renaissance und Bibelhumanismus (Refo500 Academic Studies, 65), Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020, 217-274.

Benedict D. FISCHER, ‘The Mass as a Sacrifice: Sacrificial Typology in the Bible Commentaries of Cornelius a Lapide, S.J. (1567-1637)’, in Peter De Mey – Wim François (eds.), Ecclesia semper reformanda: Renewal and Reform Beyond Polemics (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 306), Leuven, Peeters, 2020, 211-236.


STL: KU Leuven, 2016
MA Theology (Scripture concentration/Systematics minor): St. John's University, Collegeville, MN, 2008