• Professor of Biology
School of Arts & Sciences


I am a faculty member in the biology program at the University of Mary and have been here for more than 20 years. I teach primarily in the organismal and environmental areas, teaching classes and labs in general biology, zoology, ecology, animal behavior, ornithology, and a few other areas. I advise students in biology education, as well as those interested in chiropractic and veterinary medicine. My graduate research focused on the functional biology of echinoderms, especially the feeding biology of sea urchins. I also assisted with research at the USDA-ARS on leaf spot diseases of wheat. I am currently collaborating with Emma Perry, Unity College, Maine on the natural history of tardigrades in North Dakota. I am a member of Sigma Xi, a scientific research society, the Board of Directors of the Dakota Zoo, and the Lewis and Clark Wildlife Society. I routinely volunteer at the Dakota Zoo and sometimes run the scoreboard at UMary home swim meets.

Why I鈥檓 At Mary

When I was applying for teaching positions, I was looking for a small liberal arts based college, where I could teach courses in General Biology and Ecology, and thought that the University of Mary would be a good fit for me and my expertise. I have stayed here at Mary for over twenty years because we have great faculty and students who thoroughly enjoy working here and with each other.


Lares, M.T. and Lincoln, T. (2019) "Conservation Projects at the Dakota Zoo," North Dakota Wildlife Federation Annual Meeting.

Lares, M.T.  (2014)  Behavioral and enrichment studies at the Dakota Zoo.  Visiting Scientists Series seminar, Bismarck, ND.

Pomory, C.M., and M.T. Lares (2011)  Scaling of Aristotle's lantern in Lytechinus variegatus.  Gulf of Mexico Science 2011(2): 119-125.

Lares, M.T. (2006)  Studies on regeneration of starfish.  Earth Day speaker, Century High School.

Lares, M.T. (2005)  Using Online Digital Photographs of Anatomical Models to Enhance Learning in Anatomy and Physiology Labs (Technology Tid-bit).  Beyond Boundaries Technology Conference, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND.  

Krupinsky, J.M., D.L Tanaka, S.D. Merrill, M.A. Liebig, M.T. Lares and J.D. Hanson (2007)  Crop sequence effects on leaf spot diseases of no-till wheat.  Agron J. 99: 912 - 920

Krupinsky, J.M., S.D. Merrill, D.L Tanaka, M.A. Liebig, M.T. Lares and J.D. Hanson (2007)  Crop residue coverage of soil influenced by crop sequence in a no-till system.  Agron J. 99: 921 - 930.

Pomory, C.M. and M.T. Lares (1998)  Gonospora holoflora new species of gregarine protozoan parasite (Apicomplexa) in Holothuria floridana (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from the Florida Keys.  Bull. Mar. Sci.  62(1): 213-218.

Bismarck Chamber of Commerce, Outstanding Post-Secondary Teacher of the Year (Crystal Apple award) 2005

University of Mary Best Practices in Leadership Award Recipient 2012

University of Mary Faculty Research Grant Recipient, 2018


PhD (Biology), University of South Florida, Tampa, 1996
MS (Biology): University of Alabama, Birmingham, 1990
BS (Marine Science/Biology): Long Island University, Southampton, 1987