• Dean of School of Engineering
Hamm School of Engineering


I am an engineering professor as well as a theoretical physicist. I love researching the fundamental laws of the universe and sharing the excitement of these ideas with others. There is nothing more gratifying than to see someone get excited about a subject, accomplish a project, and succeed in their dreams. I have devoted my life and my career to making that happen.

Why I鈥檓 At Mary

I was invited to the University of Mary in 2015 to start the Hamm School of Engineering. This task has now been accomplished and I am extremely proud of what, together, we have built. The University of Mary is a unique place with amazing faculty and students and I am happy I have made a home here.


My research is in High Energy Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Black Hole Astrophysics. I am passionate about Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, Engineering, and Philosophy and I am happy to discuss any of these things with students and colleagues.

Valeria Akhmedova, Terry Pilling, Andrea de Gill, Douglas Singleton. (2008) "Temporal Contribution to Gravitational WKB-like Calculations," Phys.Lett.B 666: 269-271. e-Print: 0804.2289 [hep-th] (194 citations).

Emil T. Akhmedov, Terry Pilling, Douglas Singleton. (2008) "Subtleties in the Quai-Classical Calculation of Hawking Radiation," Int.J.Mod.Phys.D. 17: 2453-2458. e-Print: 0805.2653 [gr-qc] (181 citations).

Emil T. Akhmedov, Valeria Akhmedova, Terry Pilling, Douglas Singleton. (2006) "Thermal Radiation of Various Gravitational Backgrounds," Int.J.Mod.Phys.A. 22: 1705-1715. e-Print: hep-th/0605137 [hep-th] (144 citations).

Valeria Akhmedova, Terry Pilling, Andrea de Gill, Douglas Singleton. (2008) "Comments on Anomaly Versus WKB/Tunneling Methods for Calculating Unruh Radiation," Phys.Lett.B. 673: 227-231. e-Print: 0808.3413 [hep-th] (114 citations).

Terry Pilling. (2007) "Tunneling Derived from Black Hole Thermodynamics," Phys.Lett.B. 660: 402-406. e-Print: 0709.1624 [gr-qc] (98 citations).

Terry Pilling. (2005) "Symmetry of Massive Rarita-Schwinger Fields," Int.J.Mod.Phys.A. 20: 2715-2742. e-Print: hep-th/0404131 [hep-th] (32 citations).


PhD: North Dakota State University, 2002
MS: Saskatchewan Accelerator Laboratory, 1998
BS: University of Saskatchewan, 1996

In the News

, KXNET, April 18, 2019