University of Mary Invites Public to Watch First-Ever Holy Week Livestream

Holy Week Livestream Graphic

Join us for Holy Week Masses and a daily retreat with President Monsignor James Shea from Palm Sunday through Holy Saturday

BISMARCK, ND — A local, regional, and national audience is welcome to be part of University of Mary’s very first virtual Holy Week Masses and retreat with President Monsignor James Shea called, From Shadows into the Light: Gaining the Eyes of Faith.

Each day, for seven days, beginning Palm Sunday (April 5) through Holy Saturday (April 11), Msgr. Shea will give a brief and insightful reflection on the charism of Faith in these dark times amidst the outbreak of this global pandemic. Msgr. Shea will process into Our Lady of Annunciation Chapel with the Blessed Sacrament, give his presentation and then leave with the Blessed Sacrament remaining on the altar for further prayer and adoration.

Also, livestreamed each day, the University of Mary will continue with its very popular virtual Masses at 10 a.m., Sunday, April 5 through Wednesday, April 8, and continue to offer an opportunity for spiritual communion through its Triduum liturgies, which also includes Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 9, followed by Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion at 3 p.m. April 10, and an Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 11, at 8:30 p.m. On Easter Sunday and each day that follows in the 2020 pandemic, viewers can continue to watch University of Mary’s virtual Masses at 10 a.m., livestreamed from Benet Chapel on campus.

For more details, people can visit www.umary.edu/faith for a schedule, a specific livestream link and playlists to access all the recorded events.

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