Note Taking Assistance

First Steps

  • Attend several lectures in order to determine if you need access to class notes as an accommodation. 
  • Ask your instructor to post in Canvas any instructional materials needed for class.
  • Print or download to your computer any instructor-posted instructional materials (e.g., PowerPoint slides, instructor’s personal notes) from Canvas.
    • Pro Tip: Type your notes in the note section of PowerPoint slides.
  • You should also explore using the accessibility tools in Microsoft Word, Read & Write, or OneNote (Notability for Apple users) to record lectures. These recordings cannot be shared and are for your use only.
  • Explore the use of GLEAN with accessibility office staff.


Student Accessibility Services authorizes the use of technology as an adjustment for students who process information slowly which adversely affects their ability to take notes. If applicable, note-taking assistance is listed as an appropriate adjustment in the student’s adjustment plan. Students are encouraged to to use the accessibility features in the software programs mentioned above.

Note-taking assistance is intended to provide access to the lecture and is not a substitute for full course participation.

If a student does not follow the Policy and Procedures for use of technology to assist with note-taking, this particular adjustment may be suspended until the student has contacted Student Accessibility Services and resolved any difficulties or misunderstandings.

Student Accessibility Services Responsibilities

The Student Accessibility Services office is dedicated to and responsible for the following:

  • Determining if the use of note-taking assistance using technology is an appropriate adjustment for an individual student.
  • Working with instructors to ensure that students can use the appropriate technology to assist with note-taking.
  • Consulting with instructors when appropriate.
  • Assisting students in resolving problems.

Student Responsibilities

As a student, you are responsible for the following:

  • Adhering to policy on the use of technology to assist with notetaking.
  • Attending class regularly and on time. Notes are not a substitute for attendance.
  • Reporting any problems to Student Accessibility Services immediately so appropriate steps can be taken to correct the situation.

Faculty Responsibilities

Faculty members are responsible for following the course of action below:

  • When an adjustment plan indicates a student needs an adjustment for note-taking, faculty will discuss and decide with the student how that assistance will be provided. Options other than the use of technology include:
    • Providing copies of the instructor’s lecture notes before the lecture.
    • Posting on Canvas copies of lecture slides or overhead presentations before the lecture.
    • Posting a blank topic outline on Canvas for students to use for notetaking. Students will fill in the outline during the lecture.
  • Consult with Student Accessibility Services as appropriate.