Policies & Consumer Information
Consumer Information & Accreditation
The Federal Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) includes a variety of federal reporting and disclosure requirements. This page provides clear links to all of this required information.
Top Links
- Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports (Clery Act)
- Athletics Equity Data (participation rates and financial support)
- Emergency Preparedness
- Institutional Equity and Non-discrimination (Title IX)
- Academic Programs & Facilities
- Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Programs
- Faculty & Staff Directory
Admissions Process
- Traditional Transfer Admission Process
- Transferring Credits
- Many of the University of Mary's programs offer rolling admissions, but some have specific application deadlines. Students who do not complete their application by the set deadline may apply as non-degree seeking students. However, students who take courses under the non-degree seeking status are not guaranteed placement into a degree-seeking program and must adhere to degree-seeking admission requirements.
Annual Disclosure
Withdraw, Refund, and Return of Aid Policies
Textbook Information
- (This federal site provides data on each college’s men’s and women’s team participation, coaching staff, revenues, expenses, etc.)
Cost Data
Financial Aid
- Applying for Aid
- Available Aid Programs (Federal, State, and Institutional)
- Federal Aid Eligibility Requirements
- Federal Financial Aid Penalties and Drug Law Violations
- Update as of August 2021: The U.S. Department of Education has rescinded the student eligibility requirement and a student no longer faces penalties or suspension of Title IV aid due to a drug conviction that occurred while the student was enrolled and receiving Title IV aid.
- Institutional Code of Conduct for Education Loans
- Mary also adheres to the Code of Conduct.
- Financial Aid Glossary
Student Loan Information
- Terms & Conditions for Federal Title IV Loan Programs
- & for Student Borrowers
- Mary does not have a preferred lender list or any preferred lender arrangements. Students are free to borrow from any lender of their choosing. A sample of the most commonly used lenders selected by Mary students is available here.
- The University of Mary’s office three-year cohort default rate as of September 2024 is 0.0%.
Health and Safety
- Substance Abuse Policies & Procedures
- Information included in the University of Mary Student Handbook
- Information on the UMary Alcohol Education Course can be obtained from the Office of Student Development.
- Campus Safety and Security
- Campus Crime Prevention and Reporting
- Crime Stats
- Fire Safety Policies
- Fire Statistics – Available Upon Request from the Office of Campus Safety & Security
- Sexual Violence Prevention & Resources
Policies and Procedures
Privacy of Student Records Policy: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Student Outcomes and Diversity
- See “” for gender, race, and ethnicity data.
- See “” for Pell Grant recipient data.
Retention and Graduation Rates (Student Right-to-Know Act)
- For summary data, see the Mary data at the
- For more detailed data on full-time freshmen, visit Retention and Graduation Rates.
- For placement rate data, review our First Destination Survey Highlights. (This survey summarizes students' post-graduation employment status and graduate school plans).
Student Services
- Career and Job Placement Services
- Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities
- Student Activities
Further Assistance
If you have questions about any of these topics, it is usually best to follow the links above, and then to use the “Contact Us” links from that page. If you need further assistance, please contact the staff of the or University Admissions. (Admission’s contact information is on the bottom of each Admission page).
For any questions regarding the Consumer Information & Accreditation page please contact:
Karrie Huber
Director of Student Financial Services
Email Link